Latest changes to naming conventions for metering services

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As the UK energy market continues to evolve at a rapid pace, and with the increasingly important role flexibility has to play in the future energy system, the Retail Energy Code (REC) has identified that the original naming conventions, developed when the code was set up, no longer accurately reflect the diverse and complex roles within the industry.

On the 27th June REC change R0064 went live, which amends the current names for the qualified services, but does NOT change any of the processes or responsibilities for the affected parties.

However, you may see different acronyms or names used in technical texts going forward.

  1. MEM – metering equipment manager.  Either an electricity MOA or a gas MAM
  2. MOA –  the qualified and accredited role of  electricity Meter Operator Agent which the supplier appoints to a metering system and is fully accountable for all relevant Code obligations.
  3. EMO – the accredited role of Electricity Metering Operative, able to do only some of the tasks of a fully qualified MOA
  4. MAM –  the qualified role of a gas Meter Asset Manager which the supplier appoints to a metering system and is fully accountable for all relevant Code obligations.
  5. AMI  – the accredited role of a gas Approved Meter Installer, able to do only some of the tasks of a fully qualified MAM

Here at IMServ, we are qualified/accredited to perform all of these activities so you will see some changes in how we are referred to going forward.

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